I have no more hot takes.

But seriously.

I have written a number of posts in the last while that I just plain haven’t published because they feel incoherent and pointless.

Maybe I’ve said everything I need to say?

I kind of want to write about mundane stuff like making soup and growing food and jumping on the trampoline with my kids and how much I actually love playing with lego (which I never really did as a child?).

But I also feel like I’ve set this president of needing to write deep and heavy shit so that people can find MEANING in my words.

And, as per my last post, I’m also really interested in just listening right now and not taking up so much space.

Is there room for conversation here? Can we just chat for a bit? Do you have any questions for me? Like, where are you all in your lives? What changes are you making? What shit are you stirring up? Can we all share some beautiful things we are doing to reject authoritarian systems and capitalism?

Tell me: what are you up to? What have I talked about that you’d like to explore more? Any cute kid anecdotes that made you smile?

I’m here for it all.